Quote of The Day

To your own self, be true. -William Shakespeare


I feel like a Monster

I feel like a Monster I don't like to see babies cry anyone for that matter ,commercials that over sell their product (it’s stupid), I don't like Gorge W. Bush, not a big fan of war, I don't like that I always am sick, or how I look, I don't like my hair, I don't like that I'm only going to be remembered as a random girl who can draw, I rely just don't like myself in general ...........ya I don't like myself....at all. I am absolutely not perfect. Some times I feel like everyone hates me that their trying to kill me in a sense. Oh by the way that is rely a song "Monster" for those who don't know Skillet is the band who made the song. You have no idea how many times I’ve listen to this song. My all time favorite. I hate myself. Ya I hate myself. I want to die so much I have actually prayed to die hasn't yet happened. Well you know that or else I would be able to tell you this whoever stops to read oh um sorry if it boring that's another thing about myself I don't like. Well that's all I'm thinking about now another page of a diary of a depressed girl.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like myself too BUT it shouldn't matter. A person who is pretty but is bad can give you the hell of your life. You are not a random person who can draw. You are a girl who is noticed because you can draw which is what i feel about a girl who is in my sixth form and can draw. She did a children's book and an agency have accepted her.
    DON'T KILL YOURSELF. You have so much talents-writing, drawing and creativity. You are such a nice person which i get by reading your posts as you understand so much things. I feel people hate me too. I am suicidal as well and i prayed to god but it never works. I think you're mostly upset because of your circumstances but they are the easiest. When you look at another person and see that they are in bad circumstance, you know the one thing that can keeps them perfect are that they are good and are capable of going through it all and do their work to succeed like you have studies and art talent. Go and conquer xx
    love :)
